Are you a high schooler full of ideas, or maybe just one, to improve life for yourself or others?

Applications have just opened for our new and improved Ideas Challenge program, which is a free, online, extracurricular skills-building program run by Macquarie University Incubator and Young Wisdom for creative and innovative high school students.
💡If you're a young person with lots of ideas, or one particular idea to solve a problem you've noticed, then this program is for you!💡
Ready to apply?
Go ahead and fill out our form here by 8pm on Friday of Week 4.
See the infographic below for all the key dates, with applications closing on 16th August at 8:00 pm.
Please note: this program will only go ahead if we have at least 30 teams participating. So help us spread the word far and wide! And if you've got an idea, apply at the link below👇
Who is this for?
All high schoolers are welcome to apply, whether you're in Sydney or elsewhere in NSW. You don't need to think of yourself as a 'creative' or an 'entrepreneur' - just bring an idea to a real world problem and we'll help you explore how you might be able to take it further!
Along the way, you'll build skills and confidence that will help you throughout school, life and any future career, whether you end up working for someone else or yourself.
- What kind of idea? Any! You could be working on a new product or service, app or website, event or initiative - it's really up to you. We'll help you explore whether it's going to be an effective answer to your problem, and something you could deliver on an ongoing basis.
- What kind of problem? Again, any! You could be looking to solve a huge 'wicked problem' one step at a time, or just seeking to improve something in your own life, school, or local community. Whatever it is, it should be something you feel capable of addressing today.
- What kinds of skills? The list is long. Think problem solving, creative thinking, listening, empathy, business/project planning, design, and persuasive speaking (pitching) to name a few. These are life skills that definitely help entrepreneurs, but also students, employees, friends and family members to navigate life's challenges and opportunities more effectively.
What will we do?
We know students are incredibly busy with school work and assessments, not to mention all your other extracurriculars! We've tried to design a program that won't add too much to your plate, while also introducing you to entirely new concepts and the same professional coaching or mentoring we give to adult startup founders.
Students who make it through the initial application will be invited to our Google Classroom for Term 3, where everything will be managed (including our live workshops via Google Meet).
In the infographic below, you'll see the following event types with dates and times. Here we'll just quickly explain what each thing is:
- Resource drops? We'll provide a bunch of optional reading/viewing on the module's topic, posted to our Google Classroom, which you could try to review before our live workshop where you'll get to work directly with teams of experts from Young Wisdom and the MQ Incubator.
- Workshops? Our online workshops are an opportunity for you to chat with experienced startup coaches and creative professionals, and get to know some of the other students taking part in the program. These will be Q&A sessions where we present some theory on the module topic, but mostly answer questions and talk about your ideas.
- Assessments?😱 Our challenges can be taken as seriously as you wish, and we certainly don't want you to stress about them. We'll provide all kinds of support (via email and even quick 1:1 calls) to ensure you get your work submitted on time. This is how you'll unlock badges (digital certificates) along the way.
For some students, the ultimate goal will be getting to present at the Term 3 Pitch Night at the stunning Macquarie University Incubator. To be in the running, you need to have unlocked all three assessment badges (and then make the Top 10 according to our judging team).
See what these students had to say about our Term 1 pilot Pitch Night:
What do we get?
If your assessments pass muster with our educators, you'll unlock 3 different digital certificates from Macquarie University Incubator and Young Wisdom on the way to Pitch Night:
- Planning: you were able to unpack and document your idea's 'business plan on a page' covering - among other things - the commercial considerations that will make your idea financially viable and sustainable
- Prototyping: you were able to create a visualisation (e.g. a sketch, mockup or working prototype) of your product idea, or the detailed features/packages that define your service/s (e.g. presented in the form of a branded brochure or simple website)
- Pitching: you were able to create an informative, engaging and persuasive speech about your idea, supported by effective visual aids, which can be used to raise awareness and build support for your idea from any audience
If you unlock all three badges, you're in the running to present at Pitch Night. It'll be up to our educators to choose the Top 10 who will be pitching live on the night (you can pitch via Zoom if based outside of Sydney) and pitching teams will be announced on Friday of Week 9.
Those who make it to pitch night will receive additional expert pitch coaching, valuable real world feedback from audience members and judges, and compete for exciting prizes on the night!
Key Dates:
Ready to apply?
Go ahead and fill out our form here by 8pm on Friday of Week 4.
If you have an idea in mind, don't hesitate - submit a quick response and we'll get back to you ASAP!
Have a question?
Email the team at Young Wisdom here.
If your question isn't personal and might help others too, feel free to post it as a comment here too👇